The Myofascial Energetic Release by Satyarthi Peloquin

Chronic pain, often caused by a sedentary lifestyle and stress, affects many people. Muscle fasciatherapy offers a solution by focusing on the fascias, the membranes that surround muscles and organs. Fascias are essential for mobility and the perception of pain. Their rigidity, due to poor posture or stress, can lead to chronic pain. The M.E.R. technique helps to release tension in the fascias. It involves active collaboration between practitioner and client, using breath and movement to release blockages.

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Working with Emotional Trauma in Bodywork Sessions:

Repressed emotional trauma often manifests as myofascial holding patterns in the body. Bodyworkers can identify trapped emotions through tight areas, emphasizing the need to acknowledge their own feelings to create a safe space for clients.

Using techniques like "myofascial unwinding," practitioners release fascia and facilitate the healing of traumatic memories. This process promotes emotional release, allowing clients to reconnect with the present and embrace life fully.

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