Bodywork, Emotional Therapies, Trainings & more
Elemental Bodywork has been promoting high-level bodywork and emotional work techniques since 2014, such as the Myofascial Energetic Release and Ayurvedic “Abyangam” massage.
They are offered in the form of professional training and individual care.
Elemental Bodywork also supports the practice of emotional regulation techniques according to T.I.P.I. offering all the online professional courses.
M.E.R. Training
by Satyarthi Peloquin
Training in 7 modules
The Myofascial Energetic Release (MER) Training is a powerful life transforming experience. You will learn the art and science of a Deep Bodywork, Assisted Stretches, Myofascial Unwinding, Joint Mobilization, Emotional Release, Awareness and much more under the direction and guidance of Satyarthi Peloquin, a 45 years experience body therapist and trainer...
Abyangam massage Training
by Kandeepan Joythimayananda
Training in 5 modules
Vata, Pitta, Kapha Abyangam, Shirodhara, Marma Therapy, Muriabyangam. The trainings covers Ayurvedic massage protocols for each dosha and their movement techniques and some advanced Ayurvedic treatment. Kandeepan Joythimayananda is an expert teacher with 35 years of experience in teaching and practice, who grew up in an Ayurvedic environment will guid you into it…
T.I.P.I. Training
by Luc Nicon and Marie Pommier
Personal and Professional online Trainings
The Online Trainings in Emotional Regulation TIPI PRO training courses have been designed by Luc Nicon, an expert in pedagogy, to provide professionals with the tools to help others experiencing emotional difficulty. These courses also offer support for regulating your own emotional challenges, as well as those of your clients or patients during consultations—bothwhen the emotion is present and when it is no longer felt
Turning Dreams into Reality: Participants’ Experiences